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The Blue Caps Women’s Softball Team from Fairview 1930s
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Submitted By Devonna Edwards
The Blue Caps Women’s Softball Team was composed of 15 year old Fairview girls. At home, they played on a ball field across the railroad tracks near the Fairview Cemetery. A truck driven by Percy Tanner took them to games in Halifax, Windsor Junction, Spryfield Waverley, and Sackville.
The inauguration of a women’s league did not occur without incident, and rivalries between local teams were continued in the newspaper.
Articles in the Halifax Daily Star 1930s
Softball on most diamonds is just softball, but games at Fairview according to the captain of the Highland Park girls team, may be anything but. At a recent game which the girls played at Fairview, says the captain, developed a number of features not at all associated with softball, according to the Spalding Rulebook.
At the fifth inning, the captain says, the score was 11 to 3 in favour of Highland Park. Everything was going nicely but when the Highland Park girls came to bat for the sixth inning, she Says, partisan spectators favoring the Fairview team got snakes and put them down the Highland Park girls backs. Then the complaint goes on, they tripped the girls preventing them from reaching bases. When the Fairview girls went up to bat, says the Highland Park captain; the Highland Park catcher was so badly beaten by spectators that she was unable to walk home.
Result: Fairview 14 Highland Park 12
The Fairview- Highland Park Softball rivalry appears to be quite keen. Recently the Star published a complaint from the captain of the Highland Park Team in which she said that spectators at Fairview had put snakes down the backs of her team mates and had tripped them to interfere with their base-running. She also claimed that the fans beat up the catcher.